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The Inner Lotus Retreat

October 4-6 (Fri 7pm-Sun 12 Noon)
Ananda Ashram
13 Sapphire Rd., Monroe, NY 10950

Theme: Phases in the Spiritual Journey & Initiations

This year, we will explore the concept of spiritual initiation. In Tantra, we generally will undergo multiple initiations in a lifetime, sometimes tied to life milestones (such as birth, marriage, etc.), while others are tied to psychological growth and challenging life situations. Guidance is provided in many philosophical texts about how to prepare and qualify yourself for the spiritual journey, which will be discussed over the course of the weekend. Furthermore, learners will engage with meditative and contemplative practices to help them understand which stages of their spiritual growth around certain themes in their life (family, parents, love, friendships, career, etc.) they may currently be in, and find ways to best intuit and navigate difficulties.

Every year, the Inner Lotus retreat explores the intersections of the Indian philosophical systems of vedanta and tantra, with mental health and self-development from modern psychoanalytic theory. We hope to cultivate a space for like-minded individuals looking to learn and connect through spirituality, with a deep interest in psychology and reconnecting with the self. The retreat takes place at an ashram with beautiful grounds where you can take hikes, nature walks, or just sit peacefully and take in the trees and fresh mountain air! See below for the full retreat program.

Registration Fee: $125
Register Here. Accommodations must be booked separately with the ashram (See below).

Accommodations & Meals: Arranged with Ananda Ashram at this link: Overnight Stay Registration Please note rates are for the full weekend (2 nights)

Breakfast, lunch, chai-nashta, and dinner will be provided by the ashram. All meals are vegan & vegetarian, other dietary accommodations available by request upon arrival at the ashram at the main office.


The ashram is accessible by public transportation at the MetroNorth/NJT Harriman Station (changeover at Secaucus from NYC) , and arrangements will be shared by the ashram with attendees who may request a ride from the station to the ashram. Uber/Lyft is also available, $8-10.

If any issues, contact the ashram at 845.782.5575

Local taxi services (please give advance notice, 1-2 days earlier is better):

Monroe Taxi 845.782.8141
Village Taxi 845.783.6112
Beam's Taxi 845.783.4444

Free parking is available on site.

Retreat Program

Items listed in italics are part of the normal ashram activities, and are completely optional to attend as a part of the retreat.

You may choose to arrive at any time to get settled in and explore the grounds. Room check in is 4:00pm.

5:30pm Dinner
7:00pm Ashram Meditation (optional)
8:00-9:00pm Welcome Address and Introductions


8:00am-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-10:00am Class 1
10:00-10:30am Yoga/Gentle Movement
10:30am-12:00pm Class 2
12:30-1:30pm Lunch (Chai, coffee, and snacks always available in dining hall)

4:00-5:00pm Class 3
5:30-6:30pm Dinner
7:00-8:00pm Satsang (Open Q&A)

Sunday Room check out 12:00pm

8:00-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-10:30am Class 4
11:00-11:30am Meditation
11:30am-12:00pm Wrap-Up & Farewells
12:30 pm-1:30pm Lunch

July 27

Introduction to Tantra Class