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Healing Meditation

Thursday, May 9th
8-9pm EST
Zoom | Free of charge

An activism campaign can be very hard to sustain for a long time without opportunities to heal and recharge. This healing meditation is open to anyone feeling shaken up or ungrounded due to their recent activism work, or due to vicarious traumatization. Witnessing violence can have just as damaging effects on the psyche, especially if you identify with the group being victimized. You will leave this meditation feeling restored at a very deep level, and will be able to release repressed emotions. 

Any students actively involved in protests currently who cannot attend at this time, let me know if you’d like me to organize a meditation privately for your group. 

While this guided meditation style originates from Tantric practices, it does not necessitate belief in any religion or affiliation with any faith tradition. It is open to anyone in need of spiritual and emotional healing.

Please reach out for the Zoom link via the “Contact Me” tab above, or DM @doctor.samosa on Instagram.

November 1

Meditation Group

July 27

Introduction to Tantra Class